Feltham Era Reunion in 2017
Dear Fellow Bandsmen,
As some of you already know, a group of 17 VFMA Band Alumni from 1964 – 1969 got together for a small reunion in Gettysburg, PA. Many of us had not seen each other in 45-50 years. Needless to say, it was a fantastic experience and much overdue. Stories abounded and for some of us, we met bandsmen who we had not ever met in person. It will be a weekend that we will treasure.
During the weekend, we talked about continuing the band reunions and about who should be included. Some wanted to keep it for bandsmen of the 60’s but others felt it should be open for all the Col. Feltham bandsmen from 1949-1976. We were all in agreement that it should continue as none of us are getting any younger and almost all of the Feltham years bands are retired or will be soon.
We are contacting those we have addresses for and are asking for input. The reunion will be held in the Philadelphia area because of its proximity to VFMA and transportation hubs. We are looking at venues on the “Main Line” near VFMA.
We would ask that you respond via Email by March 1, 2017 to jimmeckley@yahoo.com
This will help us make a decision as to when and how big of a group to plan for in our endeavor. As soon as we have an overall picture, we will pick a date, time and place and get back to you with information.
If there are other bandsmen from the Feltham years not on this mailing list that you are in contact, please forward this to them so they may be included.
QUESTION #1 Should the reunion be kept to the “60’s” era or be opened up to all bandsmen 1949-1976.
QUESTION #2 Should the 2017 reunion be held in June, 2017 or late September, early October, 2017
QUESTION #3 I am interested in attending a Reunion/I will be unable to attend a reunion.
VFMA Alumni weekend is April 28-30, 2017.
Thank you all for your help with our plans and we hope that many of you will be able to attend this event. Your input is most welcome and never forget the wonderful years we shared with Colonel Feltham and the VFMA Band.
Sincerely, Jim Meckley, Brian Kreider, Hugh Johnston, Eric Ronnigen, Keith Hooper and Dave Detwiler
Jan 30, 2017
This “Budding BAND, SIR Reunion” idea obviously has taken off like a rocket !
The continuing growth possibilities in what has always been a “VF BAND FRATERNITY”
would be able to follow-up on what the Original (Jim Meckley ’64~ ’67) group superbly initiated
by using the Philadelphia Area NEXT TIME GATHERING as a formative baseline. As more info on
Bandies desiring regular annual assemblies is gathered, future Reunions M I G H T BE moved
Westward; Example: Pittsburgh, Ohio, BRANSON (where MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT is @ a PEAK)
ETC. so Bandies from all over the USA & Outliers would get an equal chance @ enjoying the
Fraternal association w/ all available Bandsmen. Those locations could alternate w/ Philadelphia
every other year if desired.
For some of the “Youngsters”, $$$ could be a problem . . . those of us who have had the good fortune
to build on our generous scholarship funded VF experiences clearly understand that De$ire Vs Capabilitie$
would certainly help each other along the way by considering alternate locations as information may dictate.
Essentially, “The VFMA Regimental Band Company” has some unique possibilities to not only join & extend
common experiences . . . but may be able to help ID future Bandsmen/women in the process.
These thoughts are futuristic, of course . . . BUT look back @ what this experience has done for all of us !!!
Just some rambling thoughts from a former “Street Kid” who was fortunate enough to find a mentoring New
Home via Major D K Feltham after I hitch-hiked from Pittsburgh to VFMA for an audition that changed my life,
fortune & future FOREVER. The “BUTCH & Mae, along with VFMA benefited & each of us were afforded a
new, fresh chance @ life . . . & the DUKE executed the marvelous plan of action that altered our lives fortunately,
for a generally better quality of life circumstances.
Again . . . a futuristic consideration, open to your thoughts & comments. “BAND, Sir !
As the Regiments Chair of the Alumni association, former Army Bandmens and Band Alumni class of 85
I’m encouraging all Band Alumni to recruit talented youn people for the current Regiment Band; find them – talk to the families
Tell them what being in the VF Regimental Band has done for you and what it can do for them. We have 10 – repeat 10 – full Tuitition Band Scholarships to give out to fine musicians with great character . Band Alumni – leave a Legacy. Don’t Sewell on what was past – make the figure – invest in the figure VF Regimental Band.
Each one of you hold a secret keys to success for some bright , talented , young person near you . Share your Legacy and help the current Band. Thanks for all you do for the FORGE
Robin Lahiri 85