Since there’s no more music to add to the site, I thought I’d start adding playlists of the stuff to which I like to listen. What follows is a playlist of my favorite marches (not to be confused with My Favorite Martian,) and Colan Breugnon.
I’m almost embarassed to say that I use this playlist when I am doing cardio, so I haven’t listened to it in a long time since I’ve not exercised in a long time.
If you have a favorite playlist, feel free to send a list of the cuts to me and I’ll post it here. is the address to use.
Thanks so much to those of you listening to the collection of music here on!
A while back, I received this email from Erik Ronningen, ’64 & ‘66JC, recommending that BandSir add a category of records by academic year. I thought this was a great idea and so as of now, you’ll see the additional main menu item titled “Concert Band Records – by Academic Year.” It is right next to the alphabetical list of concert records which has been labeled as such.
One of the things that has made the identification of the years in which the records were recorded is that there is no indication of the year it was recordrd on the albums or the sleeves. Erik was kind enough to identify some of the record albums, as he has a number of them in his possession. However, there are still quite a few albums the dates of which are unknown.
Here’s where I need your help.
If you can definitively identify the year of any of the albums missing dates — concert band or dance band — please send me an email to with the information and I’ll add the academic year to the list.
Thanks again for your support and special thanks to Erik Ronningen for his idea. I appreciate it greatly.
I’ve created another main menu item called “Scrapbook.” This menu will contain video and photo records of the VFMA Band as provided by you. I moved Jeff Christopher’s home movies to this category, and I’m delighted to add more home movies from Dan Witter.
If you have movies or photos that you might like to add to the scrapbook, please drop me an email at and I’ll (eventually) get them posted.
The site has been successfully transitioned to a new media player which ought to work for everyone and the software with the security vulnerability has been removed from the site. Everything should play just fine on any browser and on any operating system.
Thanks as always for your patience.
If you find errors in the track listings, design, or any other error, please let me know so I can get it fixed. I don’t always check in on the site, so I rely on you to let me know when you encounter something that doesn’t work anymore.
Please send any errors to and I’ll get to fixing it as soon as I can.
On a side note, while I was reviewing all the eighty-ish pages on the site, I got to listen to a lot of tracks that I hadn’t heard in a long time. Hearing the extraordinary musicianship demonstrated in these recordings, I was reminded how fortunate we all were to have been associated with the Valley Forge Military Academy Band and with Col. Feltham. I can’t speak for anyone else here, but that association positively affected my life, and I am grateful for having been a Bandie lifer.